How Great Copywriting Helps You Stand Out From Your Competition | Melotti Media

How Great Copywriting Helps You Stand Out From Your Competition


Who are your competitors? 

How many of them are there? 

Due to the influx of brands over the last few years, we can assume they come in a range of sizes and shapes – from online businesses with delivery services, to brick-and-mortar shops with established products and big companies with large marketing budgets. 

So, how do you position your products and services to still earn the attention of people, despite the crowded market? 

Great copywriting, of course. 

It can help you articulate the value your business provides, helping you persuade an audience that you’re the right choice.

Here’s how copywriting helps you stand out for all the right reasons. ​


There are many ways you can differentiate your business from others. 

You can:  

  • improve the quality of your solutions  
  • enhance customer service 
  • make your offer more affordable, or  
  • add features that aren’t offered anywhere else. 

However, these won’t make any difference if you fail to communicate the true benefits in a way that’s relevant to your audience. They won’t care if they don’t understand or know. 

This is where copywriting comes in. 

It can help you position your brand in a way that will resonate with your target customer.

Sometimes, all you need to make your business outstanding in the eyes of your customers are compelling words that educate and motivate. 


What is the purpose of copywriting? 

Sometimes, all you need to make your business outstanding in the eyes of people are compelling words that educate and motivate. 

Copywriting is about producing value-adding, engaging and persuasive pieces of text (or “copy”) that connect your business with the right audience, to demonstrate value that inspires them to act – whether it’s subscribing to your newsletter, downloading a free resource, booking a consultation or making a purchase. 

So, the next time you see an ad online that makes you want to know more about a brand, excited to book demo or buy a product, remember that the copy you’ve read plays a huge part in your decision. 

For more, read: What Does A Copywriter Do? The 10 Benefits Of Copywriting Services ​

Copywriting is about producing engaging and persuasive pieces of text that connect your business with the right audience to communicate value that inspires them to act.


How does great copywriting make you stand out from your competition?


So – how exactly does copywriting perform these wonders?

What makes copywriting effective in a way that allows you to achieve better results than your competitors? 

Here’s how:

  • Great copywriting builds stronger connections with your target customers. Copywriting’s goal is to talk directly to people, using the appropriate tone and language that will create relatability.

    See: Is Your Copy Scaring Your Audience in 5 Ways 

  • Great copywriting enables you to share brand messages that are simple but powerful. Selling products and services can be quite tricky, as you need to explain countless features, benefits and processes. With clever copywriting, you can make your offer more attractive by building brand messages that are interesting, yet easy to understand.

    For more, read: How To Create Effective Marketing Messages 

  • Great copywriting creates a memorable brand image. With Apple’s “Think different” slogan, you instantly know they are an innovative brand. Meanwhile, seeing the words “because you’re worth it” on every L’Oréal product gives you enough reason to indulge in skincare. Reading about Coca Cola’s “Open Happiness” campaigns, on the other hand, allows you to associate their drinks with fun moments.

    Simply put, effective copywriting enables you to craft an image that will make you remarkable – allowing people to relate to you in a specific way. 

  • Great copywriting allows you to propose persuasive calls to action. Calls to action are the points that trigger a person to take action, such as book now or view our eShop. Copywriting enables you to employ the right words that inspire people to take the next step.

    See: 5 Ways To Improve Your Call To Action 

  • Great copywriting drives SEO strategies. You can always use copywriting to improve your brand’s Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tactics. By incorporating the right keywords and terms into your content, you’ll rank higher on search engine results.

    ​Keep in mind that the more you become discoverable online, the more brand awareness you will gain from a wider group of people.  ​


What are some copywriting tips to stand out? 

Everyone can write about their business, but not everyone can do it well. 

Here are some of our copywriting insights to help you make a big marketing impact

  1. Be brief and direct. Make your copy scannable and super readable to accommodate your audience’s short attention span and busy schedules.  
  2. Provide supporting statements. What will earn your audience’s trust? Try incorporating statistics or testimonials to emphasise that what you provide is the best solution to their pain points.  
  3. Focus on the value you deliver. Stop talking about you and start talking about what you can do for them. Ensure that the brand message you deliver differentiates you from competitors. 
  4. Be conversational. Encourage people’s interests by being approachable and reliable in their eyes. Communicate in a way they’ll understand, so they can relate to you and what you do. 
  5. Trigger emotions. People don’t make decisions purely based on logic, but also how they feel. Stimulate their emotions by making your messages more human and absorbing. 
  6. Harness the feeling of exclusivity. Make people feel special by providing “secrets”, “insider information” and “limited deals”. 
  7. Position yourself as a leading authority. What makes you an expert in your niche? What’s your competitive advantage? No matter what it is, make sure your audience knows about it in a way that they’ll view your business as trustworthy.  
  8. Hire a professional copywriter. If you truly want to stand out from your competition, make sure you invest in something they don’t – that is, hiring the expertise of a professional marketing copywriter.  ​


Do you want to beat your competitors? 

Empower your business through marketing that works and words that motivate. 

Copywriting can make a big difference in making your products and services noticeable amidst the clutter of noise in your market. After all – people are listening out for messages that compel them to take notice.  

Give them something to hear (or, in this case, read). 

Finding the right freelance copywriting expert to help you create the right types of content will distinguish you as the best in the market. 

It’s our job to write quality brand messages for you, so you can focus on growing your business!

For more, head to: What Are Copywriting Services For Businesses?

How can Melotti Media help you? 


We understand that you want to achieve business success through copywriting. 

However, you may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin or you still have a lot of unanswered questions.  

Well, you don’t have to worry! 

At Melotti Media, we can assist with all your message marketing and copywriting needs while you focus on what matters to you – growing your business.  

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves! 

To speak to your trusted message marketers and freelance copywriters, email us at 

We can sharpen your words to achieve your goals today. ​

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