August Content Marketing Tips: Injecting Humour into Your Marketing Strategy

August Content Marketing Tips: Injecting Humour into Your Marketing Strategy

If there’s one thing Aussies (and honestly, most people worldwide) love more than a good cuppa – it’s a good light-hearted chuckle.

So – that’s what we’ll talk about this August to inspire your content.

Yep, we’re diving headfirst into the delightful domain of humour in marketing.

You see, humour is not just about making people laugh (although that’s a huge chunk of checking if it works).

In marketing, engaging humour is also about:

spicing up your efforts with a light-hearted approach,
forging genuine connections based on shared contexts and 
keeping your audience coming back for more, you know, hu-more!

So, in this article, we’ll uncover how humour can be your best mate in building relationships, enhancing engagement and ultimately, boosting key numbers – leads, conversions, sales – the works.

Ready? Let’s have some fun with your August content marketing!

Why inject humour into your August marketing strategy?

There are two key reasons for this, and both have something to do with the season. Right, so what’s in August?

1. August marks a fresh FY in full swing.

At this point, your potential customers are kind of into the new Financial Year – as you probably are too. (Right, right?! Gotcha!)

But if we look at it from a different lens, it’s also a prime time to engage them with clever content!

While your competitors are still quiet (unless they saw this article before you did), then you have a chance to make some noise. The good kind of noise, of course.

Humour can cut through the conservative budget mindsets during this quieter time.

It’s a gentle reminder that amidst the hustle and bustle (or in some cases, the humdrum and boredom), a good laugh can be incredibly refreshing.

2. The cold kind of bothers customers anyway.

Well, let’s face it, August can be a bit of a ghost month.

Winter has people hunkering down and consumer behaviour can be sluggish. So, injecting humour into your marketing strategy can breathe life into this otherwise slooooow period, providing a refreshing break from the monotony and drawing your audiences back in.

After all, who doesn’t appreciate a good chuckle to shake off the winter blues?

Now, onto the fun stuff: the POWER of humour in marketing

Humour in marketing is about what customers remember after the moment of laughter has passed, because it humanises your brand, making it relatable and memorable.

Burger King: Whopper Neutrality

There are tonnes of stats and studies worldwide to back this up:


of customers believe that they have no relationship with a brand that does not make them smile or laugh


of consumers (especially Gen Z & Millennials) prefer funny brands


of buyers would buy again AND recommend a brand that uses humour.

These trends would explain why Aussies (yep, closer to home now) appreciate humour in marketing a lot. In fact,


of Australians are more likely to click on a digital ad if it’s funny


of Australians would choose a brand that uses humour over those that don’t


of Australian buyers would buy from a salesperson who is funny


of Australian consumers would spend more on a brand that utilises humour


I think that’s enough numbers (we’re more of word people, anyway) – we’ve already established the serious role that humour plays in Australian marketing and advertising.

However, as clear as these numbers are about the benefits of using humour in your content marketing and advertising strategy, only 13% of Australian business leaders say that their brands humour to sell.

So, let’s paint a picture of what happens when you are part of that 13% and you put in the effort needed to make your audience smile, chuckle or laugh out loud.

The benefits of using humour in your August marketing strategy

Audience laughs. They remember your brand and make positive associations.

Now they are encouraged to engage with your brand and talk you up to others.

More engagement leads to more opportunities for conversion and sales.

…and you know what happens from there – the happier customers are, the easier it is for them to open their wallets.

What does humour in Australian content marketing look like?

Humour in content marketing can take many forms, each designed to engage, entertain and connect with your audience. Because we’re a nation that loves a good laugh, Aussies appreciate wit, satire and clever wordplay – but we also value authenticity and down-to-earth humour.

Here are some humorous campaigns and content marketing strategies that you’ve probably seen and laughed about:

  • Snickers’ “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry”

    This classic campaign successfully positioned Snickers as the go-to snack for hunger relief. The humour was universally relatable and tied directly to the product’s benefit. The memorable catchphrase and funny situations made the ads stick in viewers’ minds.
  • Vegemite’s “Tastes Like Australia”

    There’s also the quintessential Aussie experience and humour captured in Vegemite’s creative and fun “Tastes Like Australia” campaign. The humour played on the polarising nature of Vegemite, embracing it as part of the Australian identity and making the ads relatable and shareable.

Beyond planned marketing campaigns like these, there are also brands that display humour on social media (and get engagement out of it):

  • Jetstar Australia on Facebook

    Quick, witty replies and clever posts make big brands like Jetstar seem more human and relatable. These posts often go viral or get shares and engagement from audiences, increasing brand visibility.

Part of Jetstar’s strategy also includes replying to comments with a touch of humour:

  • Wendy’s on X (formerly Twitter)

    Wendy’s has developed a distinct voice that is witty, sarcastic and bold and uses it across their social media platforms. This consistent tone makes their tweets instantly recognisable and highly engaging.

The brand doesn’t even shy away from poking fun at competitors – WAIT, BEFORE YOU MAKE A MOVE – we’re not saying you should do this too. But more on that later.

For now, enjoy these funny tweets from Wendy’s about McDonald’s:

Nailing this approach is no joke (pun intended!).

By incorporating humour into their marketing strategies, brands Snickers, Vegemite, Jetstar and Wendy’s effectively connect with their audiences, making their products and services more relatable and memorable. This approach not only enhances brand loyalty but also drives higher engagement and visibility.

In a competitive market, humorous (yet TASTEFUL) content stands out and is more likely to be remembered and shared.

Now, let’s talk about you and your August Content Marketing Plan.

We know – this is what you came for!

The brands we’ve discussed above have shown that a cheeky, witty approach can transform mundane topics into engaging, shareable content.

Your brand can do this too!

Feel free to mark these events on your August content calendar and list down some fun, light-hearted ideas that will allow you to connect with your audiences. It would be a nice surprise since most of your competitors are still quiet at this time, what with all the activity from the beginning of the FY last month.

Okay…calendars and notepads ready? Let’s go!

Here are upcoming events to mark in your August Content Calendar:

These events not only bring communities together but also present excellent opportunities for brands to inject some warmth and laughter into the chilly month of August.

Whether through sponsoring activities, offering special promotions with a playful twist or crafting marketing content that brings a smile (and results, of course), August presents great opportunities for creative and impactful initiatives.

  • August 1: Horses’ Birthday

    Yay or neigh?! The first of the month is perfect for a pun-filled, seasonal campaign about starting fresh and kicking up your heels. Think along the lines of “Gallop into the new month with our latest offers!”

  • August 4: Friendship Day

    Highlight the lighter side of friendship with funny anecdotes or user-generated content. Encourage your audience to share their funny and heartwarming friend stories through your social media. It’d be a great way to show appreciation to your friends and connect with your audiences at the same time.

  • August 5-11: Keep Australia Beautiful Week

    Use humour to promote eco-friendly practices and products while educating audiences. Something like, “Clean up your act with our eco-friendly range – because Mother Nature has a sense of humour too!” would work for this kind of event.

  • August 12: International Youth Day

    If you have younger audiences (or at least their parents), it’s your chance to engage younger audiences with memes, GIFs and playful content. Tap into the trends and humour that resonate with Gen Z – but without diluting the key message of the event (we trust that you’ll find the balance and we can’t wait to see the campaigns you’ll come up with!)

  • August 17-23: Children’s Book Week

    No one enjoys fun and magic like children! So, bring out the childlike wonder with whimsical stories and characters. Create content that takes your audience on a nostalgic trip back to their childhood by reminding them of their beloved storybook characters – that’s definitely going to be exciting!

  • August 22: Daffodil Day

    While supporting cancer research is a serious concern, a gentle and uplifting approach can work to connect with your audiences during this event. You can consider light-hearted, hopeful messages rather than outright jokes for your Daffodil Day content.

  • August 30: Wear It Purple Day

    Creating safe spaces is no laughing matter as well, but it doesn’t mean your content about this Wear It Purple Day needs to be uptight.  Showcase your humour by supporting rainbow youth with positive, inclusive messages and celebrate diversity with heartfelt, supportive content.

How can you add humour to your August Content Marketing Strategy?

Now that you have the August events mapped out, we have some key tips that will help you as you plan your August content marketing strategy. 

We’ll make them short and sweet (like August usually is).

Know. Your. Audience

Jokes can get old, but this tip won’t. Always tailor your humour to what your audience finds funny. The best way humour works is when you’re laughing WITH people and not laughing AT them. You can pull this off by knowing exactly what your customers want and need.

Stay true to your brand values.

Authenticity is (and will always be) key. As in any form of content, your humour should align with your brand’s voice and values. This way, you can align your jokes with your business, your industry and most importantly, your audience.

Balance humour with substance.

You don’t have to take everything seriously, but you still have to ensure your message still comes across. Humour should enhance your message, not overshadow it. Speaking of enhancing your message – you can use memes, GIFs and videos too because visual humour often has a more immediate impact.

Now, where can you apply these tips?


You can add humour to any type of content to spice things up and make them more engaging to your audience, because a well-timed joke or a funny anecdote can warm hearts and spark conversations.

Add these 5 content types to your August content marketing mix

1. Advertising Campaigns

Probably the most commonly used vehicle for marketing humour, fun ads can help you make noise this August. Combine witty ad copy with eye-catching visuals. Think of campaigns that use clever wordplay or humorous scenarios – that’s how you win!

2. August Social Media Posts

Think of the things that you would share with your friends as you scroll. Aim to add that kind of social media content to your August content marketing calendar. Memes, GIFs and clever captions – these are perfect for quick, shareable posts that can go viral (or even if they don’t, at least you could show your target customers that you share the same sense of humour, right? 😉)

3. Blogs and Articles

Yep, just like this one. Depending on your topic, you can incorporate stories and analogies into the long-form articles that you’re publishing this August. These longer pieces present a lot of opportunities to use humour to make your points more engaging and memorable.

4. Infographics and Visual Content

If stories aren’t your thing, you can use visuals to make information fun and easy to read. Use humour to break down complex information into digestible, entertaining pieces. It helps if you can use engaging video content, too.

5. August Newsletters

Think of something that will definitely capture your audience’s attention and talk about it in a light-hearted way via your August email or LinkedIn newsletter. Pro-tip: a funny subject line can increase your open rates significantly.

…and that’s about it for humour in marketing.

We had fun writing about it and we hope you got more than giggles and laughter out of this piece – because we can’t wait to see the content you’ll come up with this August – feel free to tag us if it’s on socials, we don’t want to miss out on all the fun!

Oh, oops, there’s more!

Inject humour into your August Content Marketing with caution!

While humour can be a powerful tool, it can also backfire.

Avoid cultural insensitivity and be mindful not to offend your audience. The goal is to connect, not alienate so it always helps to test your content with a diverse group before going live.

Learn from brands that missed the mark. For example, there’s Pepsi’s infamous Kendall Jenner ad is a prime example of a campaign that tried to be humorous and light-hearted but ended up being tone-deaf and offensive. It ended up costing Pepsi roughly $100 million – and that’s a mistake you can’t laugh off.

So, what we’re saying here is: use humour responsibly.

But let’s not end this on that scary note, alright?

As you plan your August content marketing, feel free to experiment with humour by staying true to your brand and keeping your audience in mind.

Embrace the opportunity to connect with your audience on a lighter note, demonstrating your brand’s personality and creating a memorable experience that resonates long after the chuckles fade away.

So, go ahead, give your marketing a fun twist, and watch as your audience warms up to you, even in the dead of winter.

How can Melotti Content Media help you add humour to your August Content Marketing?

To boost engagement and genuinely connect with your customers, you need to sprinkle in a bit of humour to your content mix this August.

However, this is easier said than done.

You may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin this August. Or you still have a lot of unanswered questions (that isn’t fun!).

But don’t worry – we’re here to help!

As your Sydney Copywriters, Message Marketers and Australian Brand Strategists, we can strategise and implement your content marketing in August while you focus on what matters to you – growing your Australian business.

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves! To speak to your trusted message marketers and Australian copywriters, email us at or phone 1800 663 342.

The Melotti Content Media Team

Melotti Content Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau

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