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How Poor Content Flow Is Costing You Readers

 Let me ask you a question (well, two – and the second answer will surprise you). What do you think …

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How Was This Year, For You? 6 Questions and 8 Tips to set yourself up for success

This year has gone by faster and wilder than a rollercoaster!  Were you able to fasten your seatbelt?  Did you …

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5 Ways Message Marketing Gets You Way Ahead Of Your Competitors

Do you want to stand out, be known and make a big impact?  Wait… you don’t have to answer that …

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7 Content Marketing tips to success in 2021

2020 has been full of bumpy roads, unexpected turns and countless obstacles along the way.  It has been a challenging …

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7 common situations when to use a freelance copywriter

 Yep – everyone can write! You’ve probably been doing it all day and you’ve been writing since you were at …

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What Copywriting Content Offers Your Current Customers and Your Business

As a Copywriter, I find that many businesses focus on producing a lot of fresh content pitched towards lead nurturing …

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How Storytelling In Marketing Has Changed

Brands love to tell stories. Why? Because people love hearing them (if they’re told well, that is). Stories are ingrained …

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Marketing In 2021 (Part 2): 8 Additional Marketing Trends To Keep Up With

Can you believe that 2021 is right around the corner?  Now’s the time to call your team in for a …

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Marketing in 2021: 10 Marketing trends to keep up with

2020… well… yes… let’s just say it was an experience.   From natural calamities to political unrest and a global pandemic – there’s no denying …

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