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How to survive when business is slow? A business owner’s guide

Written by The Melotti Content Media Team, checked by Christopher Melotti Prefer to listen, rather than read? Here’s the Podcast summary! …

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Content marketing: quality over quantity in 6 steps

Who has heard the overused saying “content is king”?Everyone! A fear years ago, this was the royal decree that marketers …

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What Is Interactive Content Marketing?

With marketing evolving faster than ever before, it’s no surprise how quickly trends come and people’s preferences shift – all …

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Omnichannel content marketing: why your brand needs to be everywhere

     Marketing theory tells us that, in order to reach our audience, we need to use the channels where they …

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The Guide To Content Marketing Success: how to meet your customer’s obsession

  Creative content is all around us every day.  It’s all over the websites we visit and the videos we watch. …

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What is Human-To-Human (H2H) Marketing?

  Marketing 101 teaches us that there are two types of customers: Business To Business (B2B) and Business To Consumer …

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Why Does Copywriting With Benefits Engage Your Audience More Than Features?

One of the lessons I continually repeat in my Copywriting classes is “When it comes to content, write about the benefits …

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Is Brand Relevancy the new Brand Awareness?

We all know how important it is to raise brand awareness. But is this enough, today?For too long, Marketing has …

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Is language flexible in Copywriting?

People immediately associate copywriters with grammar nazis, but that isn’t always the case.Sure, the use of correct spelling and grammar …

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Achieve the results your business deserves with message marketing solutions and copywriting services by Melotti Media.

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