Seo | Melotti Media


5 Ways To Help Your Business Succeed With SEO Intent Updates

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a very popular marketing technique.  Why? Because search engines are how your customers navigate the internet. People today are hunters and gathers online – something comes to mind and BOOM, straight onto their phone or computer to find an answer, a product or more information. If you do SEO well,

5 Ways To Help Your Business Succeed With SEO Intent Updates Read More »

6 Ways To Make Your Web Pages Search Friendly Using SEO Copywriting

 People today use search engines like Google, Bing and Safari so often that we can’t imagine the internet without them. They’re doing billions of searches every week across the globe, hunting pages for unique terms, phrases and questions.    The search results that come back are where most traffic gets funnelled into (especially on the first page!).  What does this mean for businesses, then?  It means your brand is sitting amongst fierce competition,

6 Ways To Make Your Web Pages Search Friendly Using SEO Copywriting Read More »

How To Define Your Ideal Customers in 10 steps

Written by The Melotti Content Media Team, checked by Christopher Melotti Businesses need customers. B2B, B2C or both – customers provide the interest, attention, support and, most importantly, dollars you need to survive.  This is why it’s important to know exactly who you’re targeting because trying for “everyone” is not the best strategy.  Focusing your marketing efforts on the audiences who provide the greatest value is a smarter move, especially if

How To Define Your Ideal Customers in 10 steps Read More »


Today, everything is just one internet search away.  Looking for the perfect place to dine? Search the internet. Want to know the right beauty product to use? Search the internet. Finding reasons to understand why SEO is important? Search the internet.  Most people today rely on the web to look for solutions. This is why businesses like yours invest in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).  Why?  Because while it seems complicated, SEO is worth learning


SEO Is Evolving: here Are The 3 Steps You Need to Keep Up

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has been such a significant part of marketing and content strategy over the last few years, and understandably so.​We need our website pages and content to show up in front of our audience as frequently as they are searching for it, to build brand awareness and get those precious leads coming

SEO Is Evolving: here Are The 3 Steps You Need to Keep Up Read More »

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