September Content Marketing Tips: 9 Questions to Blossom Your Creativity

September Content Marketing Tips: 9 Questions to Blossom Your Creativity

September is upon us, which means Spring is here. Yes… SPRING!

With Spring comes new life, colour and warmth.

So, we think this is the perfect opportunity to breathe those very things into your marketing.

Here are 9 questions to help prompt your content this September

But before we get stuck into these, let’s quickly point out some things to remember.

While we want to use September to guide our content, the key is always to:

  • Use it to encourage engagement.
  • Keep it relevant to your industry or readers.
  • Connect fun and creativity to the value of your message.

With all that in mind, here are a few things you could ask yourself to spark your creativity for your September content.

1. What key events are happening in September?

There seems to always be some new event to get excited about. Particularly around the changing of a season. They seem to constantly be popping up… like Tulips! See what we did there?

So, it would be great to explore, what events are happening this month. What’s going on that you could tie your messaging to?

This gives your content more gravitas rather than seeming random to your audience.

Consider how this might appeal to your target readers and compel them to engage.

This could be a great opportunity to get involved in the event yourself, enabling you and your brand to connect directly with your audience.

Just remember, events are often location-specific, so be sure you’re not excluding too many of your readers

2. How can you use the change of season in your content?

Highlight the exciting changes that happen during the transition into spring. For those marketing to other countries, check that it’s not autumn where your readers are.

You don’t want to go rubbing our amazing weather in their faces!

Seasonal Marketing is a fantastic chance to capitalise on people’s excitement around the transition into warmer months.

People are thinking about how to wind up their year, the upcoming holidays and how to prepare for the following year.

Spring is a time of renewal, vibrant colours, growth and preparation.

These are all positive, joyful and exciting themes to tie into your content.

Now is your chance to lean heavily into colour and floral imagery and language around warmth and activity.

Get your readers to associate these things with your brand.

3. What topics are trending around September?

What is everyone talking about this time of the year? Specific to your industry?

This is your chance to incorporate trending topics into your content marketing to keep it relevant and timely.

Staying on top of current trends will help ensure you don’t fall behind in delivering engaging and informative marketing that is relevant to your target audience.

What does your brand have to contribute to these conversations that add value to your readers’ experience?

You want to inject yourself into these conversations and provide further value where possible and relevant.

This will attract audience attention towards your brand and demonstrate your expertise.

4. How can you integrate some holidays and days of observation into your content?

Can we first take a moment to point out how unfair it is that only Victoria gets a holiday for the AFL Grand Final AND Melbourne Cup Day?

What gives?! The rest of us like sports too ya’know!!!

See how easy that was? There are so many ways to start a conversation around days that Australia observes.

September has a good number of noteworthy days that will resonate with a wide audience.

To name a few, we have:

  • Fathers Day (Appeal directly to the dads in your audience or point to Dad’s role in the lives of your audience)
  • National Flag Day (Fantastic chance to have fun with Australian imagery or colloquialisms)
  • Australian Citizenship Day (Taking pride in our national identity)
  • R U OK Day (Connect with your audience with the conversation about mental health)
  • Wattle Day (perfect for Spring!)

If you’re reaching internationally there is:

  • International Literacy Day
  • International Day of Charity
  • International Makeup Day
  • World Gorilla Day
  • World Car-Free Day

All of these provide so many opportunities to get really creative with ideas for marketing content.

These days are a great chance to have fun!

5. What unique promotions or offers could you run in September?

If you’re really strapped for ideas, you can look to the aforementioned days of observation and tie promotions to those.

But let’s be real, you’re in marketing, you’re full of ideas and they’re all great!… Right?

‘What content marketing ideas can you create, that align with what’s happening in September?’.

AFL or Melbourne Cup-themed offers aside… Yes, we’re still seething that Victoria gets extra holidays!

Some common themes would be:

  • Back-to-school (This doesn’t have to be for school-related brands only. We’re simply looking for fun ways to tie interest to our marketing content)

  • Upcoming events in October (‘Spooky Season is just around the corner!’)

  • End-of-year planning (‘We’re fast approaching the final quarter of the year…’. Tie your brand to something your audience does to prepare for the end of the year.)

This is your chance to draw attention to your promotions by tying it to what your audience is already thinking about.

6. How can you encourage user-generated content?

User-generated content (UGC) is a powerful tool in marketing. It gets your audience involved with your brand and makes them feel they’re contributing to something bigger than themselves.

The real power of UGC is in the way it builds authenticity and trust by directly leveraging customer experience.

You want to consider what you can encourage your audience to create and how to implement it.

For example, you could:

  • Use testimonials or reviews (These are one of the most effective ways to convince other potential customers that your solution will work for them)

  • Encourage selfies (With your product or branding in the shot)

  • Videos (again, with your product or branding. These could be unboxings, video reviews or ‘how to’ videos. Very informative and shareable)

  • Challenges (Challenge your customers to use your product and post about the results)

You want to make these as fun and engaging as possible. Give people a reason to take the time to add to your community or online presence.

7. What have you done well that could be repurposed?

When we’re spending valuable time creating content, we want to be sure it is going to work.

Even the most experienced content marketers can never know for certain, what will work.

While we can use every template and tool at our disposal, nothing beats the power of hindsight.

So, why not embrace the power of hindsight and approach your most successful, tried and tested content?

When anything you put out to the market does well, that is direct feedback. It’s your audience telling you ‘Hey, this is exactly what we want, give us more!’

This is content that has proven to resonate with your audience. It has achieved results for you and you’re able to identify why.

So, think back to previous content that has done well, grab what is relevant to your current content marketing objectives and take what you need.

Or, take the lot!

There is no rule, out there on the internet, that says you’re not allowed to repurpose old content. If you’re using quite recent material, be sure to freshen it up though.

Think ‘revisiting that restaurant you enjoyed a few months ago’ not ‘reheating last night’s dinner’.

8. What storytelling opportunities does September present?

Stories are a fantastic way to connect with your audience. They’re great for making information more interesting, putting it into context

With the year already three-quarters done, you should have a fair bit to reflect upon.

This could be your chance to share some interesting stories.

You could ask yourself what you could share about:

This September is your oyster! I could even simply be any funny, serious or memorable moments that stood out in your year.

Just make sure it’s something that your audience would enjoy or benefit from hearing.

9. What can you share to prepare your audience for the final quarter of the year?

Create an air of excitement around the year ramping down! This can be a great way to keep readers engaged for the following three months.

You might find it fun to do some content marketing that helps your audience plan for the end of the year.

Or perhaps help them to prepare for the start of a new year

Some content marketing ideas could include:

  • Checklists
  • Tips and tricks
  • Goal setting strategies

Remember, the best content marketing ideas are those that grab your audience’s attention, deliver value and calls them to take action.

Your aim is always to put your brand front and centre of their minds.

How can Melotti Content Media help you to bloom up some creative September Content Marketing ideas?

September has so many amazing opportunities to boost engagement and genuinely connect with your customers.

It’s a lot of fun and important to do right.

If you find it all a little overwhelming or need to pay more attention to running your business, don’t worry – we’re here to help!

As Spring warms us all back up and brings more fun and colour to the world, Melotti Content Media can help you to do the same for your brand.

As your Sydney Copywriters, Message Marketers and Australian Brand Strategists, we can strategise and implement your content marketing in August while you focus on what matters to you – growing your Australian business.

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves! To speak to your trusted message marketers and Australian copywriters, email us at or phone 1800 663 342.

The Melotti Content Media Team

Melotti Content Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau

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