Why copywriting is NOT just writing: the 8 common copywriting myths | Melotti Media

Why copywriting is NOT just writing: the 8 common copywriting myths


There’s a common misconception today about what copywriting is.

Or more specifically, how it differs from simply writing well in proper English.

Sure – a copywriter must use the written form of a language correctly, with the right grammar and spelling.

But copywriting is so much more than just writing well.

In fact, if you’re using a copywriter to just check spelling and grammar, you actually need an editor (or you’re not using your copywriter to their full potential).

In today’s content marketing era where your customers DEMAND content from you, copywriters have never been more important for businesses.

However, you can’t get the most value out of a copywriter without understanding how the profession works first.

Here are the common copywriting myths and the truth to set the record straight – as well as how you can get the most benefit from professional copywriting services.


As a professional copywriter, I often get told: “you won’t need to do much, as I write really well.”

Then, I get the document and realise that what has been written, while perfectly acceptable adult-level writing, is certainly not good in the context of marketing collateral – for which they intended it for.

Therein lies the difference between regular writing and marketing copywriting.

So, I read the whole mind dump they’ve put together, ask them who their audience is, and then proceed to rewrite it in a completely different way that makes customers actually want to buy their product or hire their services.

When I give it back, they say: “oooooh – that’s what a copywriter does.”

This is because copywriting is not just “good writing”. It’s not good editing or fancy words either. 

How is copywriting different from writing?

Copywriting is the marketing practise of taking the basic, universal message of “customer, please buy my product or service” and converting it into a tailored, appealing piece of copy that addresses a customer’s pain points and then offers them value through information and entertainment.

Copywriting is about finding words to make your brand relevant in the context of their lives.

For more information, see my ultimate Copywriting FAQ guide.

Sure – you may be able to express yourself well in emails and general writing. The majority of people can!

But just like the majority of people can also draw pictures, you still want a graphic designer to craft the visual designs and artwork for your brand, so it looks sharp and professional.

It’s the same with copywriting.

You can definitely write your brochure, for example. But when you give it to people, are they going to think that your service is irrelevant to them and then throw it in the bin? Or is the title going to create an immediate connection which draws them in?

You can read more here: what is copywriting? where I provide a really good summary of copywriting basics.

Copywriting is about finding words to make your brand relevant in the context of your customers’ lives.



The 8 Common myths about copywriting services.

​1. Copywriters only write

Well… the average ones do. A quality copywriter should also be a content marketing strategist who offers you advice from their wealth of experience.

You don’t just want a writer. Your business will get the most benefits from a copywriter who offers their experience and expertise to provide suggestions and content marketing advice to help achieve your goals.

2. Copywriting is just fancy words

Not really.

In fact, a quality copywriter will actually aim to make the message much simpler with fewer words to help the reader understand it better.

3. Anyone can be a copywriter

Yes, but with years of experience practising how to craft brand messaging into strong communication pieces that engage audience interest and inspire them to act.

Just like anyone can be a graphic designer, a website builder or a music producer, anyone can be a copywriter too – however, it takes time and dedication to learn and hone your skills.

That’s why people hire a copywriter – because they can get all of the benefits of years of experience and expertise.

I would also suggest a copywriter with a Marketing and Sales background. Why? Because this provides a copywriter with perspective on how campaigns work to achieve results and how to cater words which resonate with an audience.

4. A copywriter just corrects spelling

Again, get an editor to do this. While a copywriter can offer editing and grammar services, it’s not their focus. They can do so much more for you.

5. Copywriting is easy

This stems from the knowledge that everyone can write, so everyone must be able to be a copywriter too. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like this.

Just like absolutely any other profession, you need to master copywriting skills in order to succeed.

For more, read: what are copywriting fundamentals?

6. Good copywriting sells by itself

Perhaps. While a quality copywriter works hard to craft your message into something compelling, you also need a viable product, a potential market and a solid marketing strategy too. It’s a team effort.

7. Copywriting is all about selling

No. It’s about providing value to your target audience.

It’s through this value that they connect with your brand and your products and then see the potential that it has to enrich their lives – this results in them buying, subscribing or hiring you.


Think of it this way. People hate being sold directly to, but we all LOVE to buy. What’s the difference? People love to buy on their terms (i.e.: when they see value) and not on yours (i.e.: when you push).

This is why your business should use content marketing.

8. Copywriters just copy/paste

Not if you hire a quality copywriter! Fresh, original and relevant content is what achieves results and that is written by a professional copywriter.


What copywriters actually do

Here are some of the tasks a copywriter actually does for you.

A copywriter:

  • Understands your audience’s needs to write directly for them
  • knows the difference between saying too much and saying too little
  • finds the right angle to pitch your brand to customers
  • researches and applies keywords for SEO copywriting
  • crafts titles and copy that people actually want to read
  • uses UX and UI design so that words look appealing to a reader
  • offers a wide range of copywriting services to meet all of your needs

As a result, there are a lot of benefits of professional copywriting for your business.

That’s why copywriting is so important for all businesses.

In fact, there are 10 benefits copywriters offer you; the least of which is that a copywriter saves you time and produces quality content that your brand will be proud of.

Sounds pretty good!

To see what they are, read: The 10 benefits of copywriting services.


But it’s about selecting the right copywriter for you

There are a lot of professional copywriters out there.

However, to experience all of the benefits, you need to have the right copywriter on your team.

So, how do you choose the right one?

See: How to hire a copywriter: the 7 steps your business should take.

How Can Melotti Media Copywriting Help You?

To engage your customer and achieve ongoing business success today, you need quality copywriting and consistent content. However, we understand that this is easier said than done.

You’re time poor and spread thin, and writing isn’t your expertise. So, focus on what really matters, while we take care of all of your copywriting and content marketing needs!

For more information or to speak to a quality copywriter to get the results your business deserves, contact me now at chris@melottimedia.com.au.

I can sharpen your words to achieve your goals, today!

Christopher Melotti

Melotti Media Copywriting and Marketing Solutions
Click here to view the FAQ page for all you need to know ​​

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