July Content Marketing Ideas: Your Content Strategy for the Second Half of the Year

July Content Marketing Ideas: Your Content Strategy for the Second Half of the Year

Content is King.

It’s the foundation of all modern-day marketing.

Just take a look at these stats according to Forbes:

90% of marketers include content in their marketing strategies

In 2024, the content marketing industry will be worth an estimated $600 billion

Content marketing increases lead generation according to 74% of companies


And what these top marketing thought leaders say:

Content marketing is the only marketing left” 

– Seth Godin


The more content I put out the more luck I have.” 

– Gary Vaynerchuck


Content is the atomic particle of all digital marketing” 

– Rebecca Lieb


So why is July content marketing so pivotal?

The role of content marketing is to engage your ideal audience, nurture them and eventually convert them to drive business growth.

No biggy.

And the best part is, it’s sales-type marketing, but it doesn’t feel like it to your audience because it leads with value, rather than an ask. Plus, consuming content is the primary leisure activity in today’s digital environment.

So, as we step into July, it marks not only the mid-point of the calendar year but also the beginning of a new financial year in Australia. This means it is the ideal time to reassess your July content marketing strategy and plan for the months ahead.

As scary as it may be to dig beneath the surface, taking the time to reevaluate your yearly content marketing approach in July allows you to build on the successes of the last 6 months and learn from the challenges of the past six months and earlier. 

It’s the perfect opportunity to realign your July content marketing goals, refresh your July content marketing themes, and ensure your July content marketing strategy is in sync with seasonal trends and upcoming events in Australia.

So, what marketing do you do in July?

Well, we’ve compiled this article to provide you with actionable July content marketing ideas tailored for July and beyond as well as some broader strategies to keep in mind.

Whether you’re looking to capitalise on winter themes and national holidays or explore new content formats, we’ve got you covered. 

Our goal is to help you craft an effective July content strategy that will resonate with your audience and drive meaningful engagement for the second half of the year (and beyond). 

Push your EOFY accounting aside and let’s dive into the fun side of your business – content marketing!

Audit Your Current Content Marketing Strategy in July

The best content marketing strategies have direction!

To get this necessary direction, and to develop a July content strategy for the upcoming months, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough July marketing audit of your approach since the beginning of the most recent financial year.

But first, what is a content marketing strategy?

A content marketing strategy outlines the long-term and high-level approach for creating and distributing valuable content marketing to attract and retain a defined audience.

It is not to be confused with a content marketing plan which details the specific actions, timelines, and resources needed to execute the strategy effectively.

To re-establish your content marketing strategy for the new financial year, start by auditing the past financial year’s performance, examining key metrics such as:

  • traffic,
  • engagement, and
  • conversions,

This data provides valuable insights into what has worked well and what needs improvement.

Then conduct a content audit, assessing the performance of each piece of content so as to identify which topics, formats, and distribution channels have driven the most engagement and conversions. 

Pro Tip: Don’t just look out for failures, pay attention to any successful patterns and trends that emerge, then double down on them moving forward.

July’s a GREAT time to conduct a SWOT analysis

Now that you have a solid idea of how your marketing strategy can be improved, it’s time to dive a little deeper into your content marketing strategy.

A SWOT analysis helps identify your content marketing:





Think of your strengths and weaknesses as internal factors that you notice during your content marketing audit—such as high-performing blog posts or gaps in your content coverage.

Think of opportunities and threats however as external factors, like emerging industry trends or increased competition which should be identified and used to determine the direction of your marketing efforts moving forward.

Then based on all of these findings, it’s time to set new July business goals that align with your overall business objectives.

Create SMART Goals in July

When it comes to goal setting in business, especially in the case of content marketing, the SMART model is the best and most simple approach – but that doesn’t make it easy.

These goals should be:






Whether you aim to increase website traffic, boost social media engagement, or enhance lead generation, setting objectives with this method will guide your efforts and provide a benchmark for success.

For example:

Rather than say “We’d like to increase website traffic”, say “We aim to increase website traffic by 20% by the end of the year by writing weekly website blogs that target our ideal customer.”

Then, by leveraging insights from your content marketing audit and SWOT analysis, you can craft and benefit from a more targeted and effective content marketing strategy for the second half of the year.

Create July Seasonal Marketing Campaigns

Perhaps the best way to boost your July content marketing strategy (especially as we head into the final 6 months of the year) is to align your content with seasonal trends and events – that way you have countless ideas to work with.

It is also an exciting and creative way to maintain relevance and engage your audience.


Seasonal campaigns tap into the natural rhythms and interests of your audience, making your content more relatable and timely.

But why start now with Marketing in July?

Marking key events in the second half of the year in your calendar such as Halloween, Christmas, and other significant dates ensures that these important occasions don’t sneak up on you and allows you to prepare and schedule content that resonates with your audience during these peak engagement times.

Incorporating these yearly events and others into your content marketing calendar is essential for staying organised and proactive.

Plus, with plenty of time now that the bustle of July’s End of Financial Year period is over, now is the best time to get ahead and create a base of content ideas that you can easily tweak and customise for each seasonal holiday, ensuring your content remains fresh and aligned with current trends.

The best part about July seasonal campaigns is that they provide a structured yet flexible framework for your content marketing efforts, allowing you to leverage timely themes so that your marketing doesn’t become too repetitive, but also ensuring that you stay consistent in your message.

By planning ahead and integrating seasonal events into your content calendar, you can enhance your content's relevance and effectiveness, driving better engagement and results.

July Content Marketing Ideas

Here are those content marketing ideas in July we promised to get you started:

Winter-themed content marketing

July in Australia is all about embracing the cold of winter, so it’s the perfect time to create content around hearty winter recipes or products that bring comfort and warmth to your audience. 

Or, if you are marketing a service, present your solution as a way for them to spend more time by the fireplace or rugged up while you solve their most pressing needs.

Another great way to capitalise on the collective winter mindset is to provide ideas for indoor entertainment, such as movie marathons, DIY crafts, and family games, to keep everyone entertained and engaged while staying indoors.

Ultimately, it all depends on how your business offer can help your customers enjoy a better winter.

July National Holidays and Observances

NAIDOC Week, celebrated in July, is a significant event that honours the history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

This is the perfect time to demonstrate your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts and create July content that highlights the importance of this week, shares stories of Indigenous communities, and promote events and activities that support NAIDOC Week.

This not only shows your brand’s support for Indigenous cultures but also educates your audience on important cultural topics.

Start of the New Financial Year Marketing

The beginning of the new financial year in July is a prime time for finance-specific content, just like it was in June.

For instance, if you’re in the accounting field, share tips on developing new financial year strategies or budgeting for upcoming campaigns. If your niche is cybersecurity, provide advice on protecting financial data and implementing secure practices for the next 12 months.

Again, tailoring your July content to fit the new financial year helps to tap into the collective mindset of your audience increasing the appeal of your July marketing strategy.

July Content Marketing Strategy Distribution

Now it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty and choose the specific mediums that you will use to distribute your newly established marketing strategy – this is the fun part!

At this stage there is one key rule – multi-channel marketing is the best approach!


By leveraging diverse content formats simultaneously, organisations like yours can enhance their content marketing strategy, catering to various audience preferences and increasing engagement.

But as has been the case throughout all of the strategies in this article, it all depends on where you are most likely to find and engage with your ideal customer. Here are some effective content formats to consider:

July Blog Posts

Blogs and articles are foundational to any content marketing strategy, providing in-depth information on topics relevant to your audience. They improve the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of your website, establish you or your organisation as an authority in your industry.

The best way to approach blog posts is to compile listicles, how-tos, and guides which are value-driven and easy-to-digest format. They offer practical tips and step-by-step instructions, making complex information more accessible and actionable for your readers.

July Podcasts

Podcasts allow you to share your knowledge and expertise in a long-form engaging audio format. With the right podcast script and outline, this format is ideal for reaching audiences who prefer listening over reading, offering flexibility for on-the-go consumption, whether that’s on a walk, in the gym or in the car.

July Social Media Content

In its many forms and channels, Social Media is a great place to share short-form engaging solutions and stories.

We all find ourselves stuck in the Social Media scroll at some point, especially in the cooler winter months, so why not ensure your business makes an appearance?

July Email Newsletters 

Email newsletters are an effective way to deliver quick:

  • ideas,
  • tips, and
  • educational content

directly to your audience’s inbox. They help maintain regular communication, build relationships, and drive repeat traffic to your site completely unencumbered by algorithms.

July Infographics Blogs

A relatively new style of content that is taking the content marketing world by storm is Long Form Infographic Blogs.

This style of website content combines hyper-visual diagrams and images with strategically crafted copywriting and storytelling to present information both written and visually.

They make complex and detailed ideas easy to understand and share, increasing the likelihood of engagement and social sharing. As this style of content becomes increasingly popular, this July is the perfect time to position yourself as a leader in the space.

July Content Measurement and Iteration

Ok, now you’ve got everything you need to develop and distribute your marketing efforts for the second half of the year…

but it’s important not to treat this as a static solution. Instead, measuring the success of your content marketing efforts is crucial for continuous improvement.

Start by identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) that you want to measure such as:

website traffic

engagement rates

conversion rates

social media interactions

These metrics provide a clear picture of how your content is performing and where adjustments may be needed.

The ultimate goal is to use these results to adapt and tweak your content marketing strategy every few months over the new financial year.

So, if certain content types or topics are underperforming, consider revising your approach or exploring new formats and if they are working, start to brainstorm ways to further optimise their performance.

By regularly updating your content marketing strategy to ensure it remains aligned with your goals and audience preferences, you can drive better results and maximise the impact of your efforts.

Sounds like a lot of work, right?

Don’t worry, we can help.

How can Melotti Content Media help you with July Content Marketing?

To boost your business revenue and close out the financial year with a bang, you need a quality May content marketing strategy backed up by expert copywriting.

However, this is easier said than done.

You may find that you’re time-poor and spread thin this July. Or you still have a lot of unanswered questions. 

Don’t worry – we’re here to help!

As your Sydney Copywriters, Message Marketers and Australian Brand Strategists, we can strategise and implement your content marketing in July while you focus on what matters to you – growing your Australian business. 

Let’s start earning the results your business deserves! To speak to your trusted message marketers and Australian copywriters, email us at enquire@melottimedia.com.au or phone 1800 663 342.

The Melotti Content Media Team

Melotti Content Media | Copywriting & Message Marketing Bureau


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